At any given moment, I think these are the best cycling videos out there, in random order. If you want a quick tour, start here. I hope you get intrigued and start watching some more obscure fare, till you’re quite sure you’ve wasted enough time, thank you very much.
Ever mindful of the need to curate ‘with extreme prejudice’, this list will change from time to time.
The Divide | Lachlan Morton
January 26, 2025
How can Lachlan Morton not be your favourite cyclist in the world? This video is longer than most on VeloVID, longer even than The Alt Tour, which saw him ride the entire 2021 Tour de France, unsupported, including all the transfers, and still beat the peloton to Paris. That was 5,510 km. The Divide is
Fat Bike Birkie 2018 – Cole House Finish
March 18, 2018
This video is interesting for a couple of reasons. It’s the first 360° video on VeloVID. Using your mouse, you can control the camera angle you see—even turning around 180° to look at racer Cole House as he sprints for the last podium spot at the 2018 Fat Bike Birkie, an annual fat bike race held
Thank You, Bicycle
November 15, 2015
This is what unites the tribes. It’s what the roadies, the mountain bikers, the commuters and the randonneurs all have in common—our gratitude for where bikes take us, mentally and physically. How, as a metaphor for life itself, a simple bike ride can teach us important lessons. This is a mountain bike video so there’s plenty
Racing Is Life – The Beryl Burton Story
November 23, 2024
Wow, how did I not know about Beryl Burton? I’m tempted to say it’s because she was only ever an amateur cyclist, world records notwithstanding—but maybe she was only ever an amateur because she was a woman. A woman who took a moment to hand a liquorice all-sort to men’s British Best All-Rounder cyclist Mike
Hop On
January 2, 2016
This is a pretty clever concept and it’s Canadian so perhaps it’s no surprise it feels like it came out of Hollywood. Lots of clever Canadians there. But this is 100% Canadian and there’s even a ‘Behind-The-Scenes’ video to show you how those clever Canadians did it. Cycling Canada sponsored the video and the idea here is
Meet The First Generation of BMX In Nigeria
January 4, 2019
If you want a demonstration of the transformative power of BMX, look no further. BMX has steered many people in a better direction, whether they were suburban and privileged, or sub-urban and decidedly not privileged. Like Starboy, KK Money and S-King in Lagos, Nigeria. Instead of “…going to clubs, getting drunk, causing trouble and doing all
The Ridge
December 10, 2015
With almost 40 million views on YouTube, this is probably the video Danny MacAskill is best known for. Imaginate actually has more YouTube views but The Ridge really went viral when it came out. It made it into a lot of mainstream media because it actually lives up to the hyperbole that usually defines click bait. With Danny’s riding, it’s almost always a case
Utrecht is embracing a greener future
December 5, 2024
“From grey to green”. THAT’S how you sell bike lanes and pedestrian-friendly streets.
Nigel Sylvester – GO! New York City
October 16, 2017
This is the first instalment of Pro BMX rider Nigel Sylvester’s video series, GO! It’s probably the best of the lot, which has since expanded to Los Angeles, Tokyo and Dubai. What makes it the best? It might be what one Youtube commentator said, “This editing is dope.” Maybe. The editing is definitely dope. But the
The Nine Wheels
December 12, 2022
This is such a touching story. One of the fundamental tenets of VeloVID is that a great cycling video is really about more than “just” cycling. This video may capture that better than any other on the site.
Vittorio Brumotti goes crazy in Livigno
December 16, 2015
Never mind Peter Sagan, who’s no slouch at bike tricks on a road bike, Vittorio Brumotti’s got kung-fu even Danny MacAskill would admire. Not surprising given that they are both world-class trials riders, but to see this done on a road bike is shocking nonetheless. He’s probably got 28c tires on that bike but he could
The Alt Tour
November 13, 2021
It’s been a long time since I posted anything to VeloVID and I’m not trying to make up for lost time with a long video. I kind of favour shorter vids here on the site, but this one is a gem and well worth putting aside some time time to take in. After Lachlan Morton’s
Road Bike Freestyle 2
December 16, 2015
Vittorio Brumotti continues the tradition begun by Martyn Ashton of trials riders trying their skillset on road bikes. Proving once again the old adage that it’s not the bike, it’s the rider. Like his other videos, he pulls this off with Italian panache and a sense of humour—not to mention the kind of mad skills
Family Bike Shop
December 13, 2015
A clever commercial for a bike shop Crofton, Maryland. A family bike shop actually, so don’t be judging a book by its hipster cover. Definitely watch it to the end.
Nighttime Shred
November 18, 2015
Tom and Ruby go night riding. Ruby is a dog—a Hungarian Vizsla who can run like the wind. She has her own lights, her own camera and the ride she takes us on is a blast. Tom’s the one on the bike and most of what we see of him is from Ruby’s point of view, which
Cycling the Highest Road in the World
November 15, 2015
“If I could take one thing away from this trip, it would be that oxygen is seriously underrated.” I’m sure on a trip as epic as this there were a lot more profound takeaways than that but, given that this trip in May, 2015 took these two riders over the two highest passes in the
Way Back Home
November 16, 2015
This is the bike video that started it all for me. As I write this, it’s exactly five years to the day since this video went up on YouTube. Since then more than 36 million viewers like me have gaped, open-mouthed, at the astounding, sense-defying riding of Danny MacAskill as he makes his ‘way back home’ from
Combing Valparaiso’s Hills
November 16, 2015
I know I’m not supposed to approve of this kind of riding but I can’t help it—this is one of my all-time favourite cycling videos. Lead by Chris Van Dine, who I’m coming to realize is a pretty complex guy for a “dude, more speed” freerider, we’re taken on a wild ride through the streets of Valparaiso, Chile.
Return to Earth
March 30, 2020
Return to Earth is an Anthill Films production, working with Shimano and Trek so the production values are high. But what really elevates this promo for the segment of the film is the riding of these kids from Squamish/Whistler in B.C. Ranging in age from 10 – 15, these kids have mad riding skills, growing
Pump Track Time
January 1, 2016
Man, I wish there were push bikes when I was a kid. These things make so much sense as a kid’s first bike. Maybe not only as a first bike—can you imagine an adult-sized one? I’m sure it would be a blast. Just like the adult-sized Jolly Jumper I think someone should invent. This is a sweet
November 11, 2015
Another good one featuring Danny MacAskill’s otherworldly riding. A fun video that takes you into the imagination of a wee young lad who just so happens to grow up and make everything he imagined real. And as the outtakes at the end show you, for all that otherworldly riding, Danny really is of this world.
North Shore-Style Beer Run
November 18, 2015
What a delightful sip of the North Shore this video is. Wouldn’t you know they make a growler cage for fat bikes? Just the thing for making a beer run to Deep Cove Brewery on B.C.’s North Shore, riding some of the area’s iconic gnarly trails in the process. You might need to let that growler
Passo Gavia Descent
May 2, 2017
I love road riding. I had lamented not finding many good road biking videos till I discovered the Col Collective. They have a pretty extensive library of videos of famous mountains (cols) from around the cycling world. Beautifully shot, most of their videos are climbs but a few are descents. This col, Passo Gavia, in the Italian
Norðvegr: The Way to the North
December 3, 2018
This is a sublimely beautiful video of some sublime riders in a sublime setting. As a Canadian, I’ve always thought we and Norwegians were separated at birth, what with our long winters, love of cross country skiing, northern lights, and fjords. But, if we were, Norway is definitely the big brother. With darker winters, deeper
The DreamRide
April 4, 2019
Wow, this is dreamy! Beautifully filmed and released just in time to really amp up the juices of mountain bikers who have waited patiently all winter long!
Hellion First Ramp
August 2, 2017
This video really gives me the warm and fuzzies. Maybe it’s because it was my son who sent me the link, but you don’t have to be a Dad to appreciate the glee in four-year-old Malcolm’s voice when he shouts “I’m doing it! I did it Dad! I loved it!” while clearing the first ramp
North Shore Betty
November 23, 2024
Mountain biking has been around long enough now, especially on the North Shore, that its originators are true OGs. Like Betty Birrell, the 73 year old total bad-ass hero of this video, or Todd “Digger” Fiander the famous trail builder. Not young anymore but “never too old to send”.
MOTHERLOAD (Official Trailer)
February 2, 2020
MOTHERLOAD “is a crowdsourced documentary in which the cargo bicycle becomes a vehicle for exploring parenthood in this digital age of climate change.” I saw the full-length film recently at the ReFrame Film Festival in Peterborough and I was blown away. There’s a kind of magic when a talented filmmaker tackles the subjects they are
Shed The Monster
November 4, 2015
This video makes me smile. It pokes fun at our stressed-out selves without being too smug or saccharine. Just the right tack to take if you want to get people back on bikes. Well, that and proper separated bike lanes, but don’t get me going. “When people ride bikes, great things happen.” No argument here.
November 14, 2015
Kriss Kyle is a Red Bull-sponsored young Scot with mad riding skills, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised how much his new video feels like a BMX version of Danny MacAskill’s Imaginate. Lots of bright colours and black backgrounds. (Admittedly, this video’s healthy dose of OK Go-style optical illusions adds a lot to that mix.) It even finishes with a montage
Champion Mountain Biker Turned Drug Smuggler
December 9, 2018
The last time we checked in with Missy Giove was two years ago, when we profiled some of the bad boys and girls of cycling. She lives up to her image in that video, cursing up a storm and tossing back Red Stripe through most of the episode. Two years later, it’s a revelation to
MOTHERLOAD (Official Trailer #2)
February 2, 2020
MOTHERLOAD “is a crowdsourced documentary in which the cargo bicycle becomes a vehicle for exploring parenthood in this digital age of climate change.” I saw the full-length film recently at the ReFrame Film Festival in Peterborough and I was blown away. There’s a kind of magic when a talented filmmaker tackles the subjects they are
The Bensink Compound – Part Deux
November 15, 2016
Music. Sometimes it’s all that separates an artistic bike video from a vaguely irritating one. Especially if we’re talking BMX and mountain bike videos. I love the way this video mixes big trick BMX riding with very cool, laid-back music. Lars Veenstra is already in my good books for his Thank You, Bicycle video. His first video about the
December 10, 2015
Now this is more like it. Just days after the release of This Is Drop And Roll, Danny MacAskill is back on form riding the amazing streets and rooftops of Gran Canaria, one of the Canary Islands off northwestern Africa. His riding is every bit as eye-popping and colourful as those exotic streets and, unlike This Is Drop And
Very clever Google Nederland. “Only available on April 1” should be your first clue but this is so well done I’m sure it fooled more than a few. Just like another video here on VeloVID that features bikes without riders, this one has a “How we did it” video you can watch if you want
A Bicycle Trip
April 20, 2017
I’m writing this on April 20, better known to many as 4-20—so we’ve got a day for that. I wondered if we had a day for bikes. Google informed me that there was indeed a Bicycle Day and it was yesterday—April 19. But its inspiration is more along the lines of 4-20 than you might expect.
The Way I Roll – Chris Van Dine
December 14, 2015
My introduction to Chris Van Dine was GoPro’s 2013 Combing Valparaiso’s Hills, an adrenalin and testosterone-powered tear through the steep streets of the Peruvian mountain town. As I’ve confessed, I absolutely love the video, even if the riding is a bit reckless. And I was intrigued by C.V.D.—he was fluent in Spanish and seemed to have a
Let’s Ride
April 11, 2016
This video puts a smile on your face that gets wider and wider till you can’t help but laugh at some point. Which is exactly how this little girl reacts. What a great idea Dad had. The video playing in Dad’s virtual reality machine is one of Claudio Caluori’s riotous narrated downhill runs, which are pretty popular on YouTube.
Danny MacAskill: Danny Daycare
February 19, 2020
Danny MacAskill is really having fun in this one. As is Daisy. And as are we, his amazed and amused audience. This is classic Danny MacAskill. Like Imaginate, it gets right inside a kid’s head and features the kind of gob-smacking riding you know Danny dreamed of mastering since he was a kid. He has
Danny MacAskill – The Slabs
February 16, 2021
In some ways, this is more terrifying than any of Danny MacAskill’s other videos, even if it isn’t credits-to-credits amazing stunt riding. It’s a long, treacherous downhill that Danny treats tactically—and his rush at completing it is as much a release for us as it was for him. In that way, the vibe is more Free
Bike Through Water In Limburg, Belgium
April 26, 2019
This looks so cool! Worth a trip to Belgium perhaps? (Not that one needs an excuse). UPDATE: OK, are you convinced now?
Choosing to Live
May 11, 2020
This one’s personal for me. It might be for you too. If you’ve ever lost someone close. If bikes have ever been a part of your recovery from anything. If not, it’s still a beautifully made video that tells a beautiful, tragic love story. I think it will resonate with everyone. Salsa Cycles released this
Matt Hunter Going Around a Corner on his Bicycle
October 21, 2018
Some pretty slick riding from Specialized rider Matt Hunter. According to Specialized’s video description, this is “another piece of evidence that 29ers really can corner”—but I think it’s a stronger argument for the fact that Matt Hunter really can corner. I suspect he could do this on a Huffy. Nicely shot though with flawless slo-mo
Queens of the Classic
January 26, 2025
I’m Canadian so Alison Jackson is basically a Goddess in our pantheon now after winning Paris-Roubaix in 2023. Here’s the heartwarming ‘Backstory’, delivered with panache as one might expect from Rapha.
Bicycle Anecdotes from Amsterdam
November 16, 2018
A great overview of how Amsterdam ‘rejected the car’ and became the ‘City of Bikes’. Riding in Amsterdam for the first time is, for most jaded North American urban cyclists, a liberating experience and this film will give you that same heady optimism. From, who produce “short films showing how smart transportation design and policy can result
Industrial Revolutions
November 22, 2015
After discovering Danny MacAskill through his phenomenally popular 2010 short film, Way Back Home, I went searching for more. Industrial Revolutions came out in 2011 and, though it’s Stu Thompson, not Dave Sowerby and Channel Four, not Red Bull, this video is also a cut above the rest. The abandoned iron works is a striking
The Ridgeline
December 4, 2020
Mountain bike videos these days are mostly about going big. I like those that go beautiful as well. This is no The Ridge but, from the meditative music to the incredible drone shots, it’s pretty beautiful to watch in its own right. Not to say The Ridgeline isn’t about going big. In some respects this
Still Lost in Peru
November 22, 2015
“That’s definitely not the only issue we have. We got a lot of issues.” Aaron Chase amps up the group dynamics on this follow-up trip to Peru and the result is a more engaging video. Even if you’re just looking for gnarly riding I think this has more than Lost In Peru did. (It finishes with a
‘Fietsen door de Bomen’ in Bosland | Visit Limburg
June 26, 2023
This and “Bike Through Water“? To paraphrase Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction, “I’m going man, that’s all there is to it, I’m fuckin’ going!” Except we’re not talking about Amsterdam, as attractive a cycling (and hashish) destination as it is, we’re talking Limburg, Belgium.
Col du Sanetsch (Sion)
August 30, 2017
The Col Collective is at it again. This time climbing a little know col in Switzerland— the 2,253m high Col du Sanetsch in Valais. With local expert Alain Rumpf, Col Collective host Mike Cotty narrates this 33km ride while the camera cuts from nice shots of the riders to astounding shots of the scenery. Most of
Riding backwards at 80 km/h
February 24, 2016
OK kids, don’t try this at home. Especially if home is Trollstigen, Norway. And it’s been raining. But as long as someone is crazy enough to try this, I’m glad they got it all on video. The scenery is stark and beautiful. The music works. The riding looks terrifying, even if the rider looks fearless. Not surprisingly,
Exploring the High Desert aboard the Ibis Ripley
February 19, 2020
OK, this is really just an ad but it’s a pretty clever one. With a David Attenborough impersonator doing the voice-over this short video looks, and sounds, like a BBC documentary on the “apex predator” Ripley. It’s a refreshing change from the tone of many mountain bike videos and it still has just as much
Comes with Baggage
September 14, 2017
This is produced by Blackburn Media so you might be expecting an 18 minute long commercial for Blackburn racks but this video is simply a loving look at bicycle touring. Jim Blackburn gets a brief mention in the excellent historical overview but more attention is paid to other pioneers, like touring bike builder Bruce Gordon
Strength in Numbers
November 11, 2015
It won me over with the H.G. Wells quote right off the top. Great camera work, some crazy-good riders and beautiful B.C. scenery. It’s not as aggressive as some freeride videos and the music works for me, though it might not for everyone. A nicely put together promo for Anthill Film’s Strength In Numbers.
Blood Road
July 24, 2017
This trailer for Rebecca Rusch’s recently released feature, Blood Road, is powerful and dramatic. Rusch is one of toughest endurance riders in the world and the task she sets for herself—to bike the 1,900 km Ho Chi Mihn Trail in search of the 40-year-old wreckage of her father’s plane—is perhaps the most challenging she’s ever
Huck Naked – Celebrating the World Naked Bike Ride
November 26, 2021
It’s hard to go wrong with nudity but this celebration of The World Naked Bike Ride is really well done. Clever editing keeps it PG* and the riding is as good as any Race Face video out there. * As the video notes put it: “Warning: This video does include nudity but thanks to masterful
Cycling to London With Cats
November 4, 2015
OK Thomas, you’re forgiven the awful pun in the title of this video* and the fact that your company is called Poopy Cat and that your your motto is “They’re full of it” and that in said video your ride ends at the launch of your “poop-up store”. You’re forgiven all these transgressions because you
November 16, 2015
Maybe the most starkly beautiful of Dave Sowerby’s Danny MacAskill videos, this might be a case of filmmaking that actually overwhelms the riding of perhaps the world’s most inventive trials rider. The setting is dramatic—”the forgotten town of Epecuén in Argentina, a location that has been submerged for the majority of the past 25 years.”
Snow in Regents Park, London
November 11, 2015
I absolutely love this video. It’s only about a minute long and it’s exquisite. It’s got so many things I like—cargo bikes, winter riding, that slightly unnerving GoPro point-of-view, great music, brevity—so my opinion might be slightly skewed. You might not find it as tiny and perfect, but I can’t imagine anyone begrudging the minute this
Nijmegen: The City That Tamed Cars
January 19, 2018
If you’re chosen as the Best Cycling City in The Netherlands*, it’s a pretty safe bet you’re also the best cycling city in the world. That’s the case in Nijmegen, the oldest city in the Netherlands, population 180,000 and proud as all get out about their transition to a cycling/pedestrian paradise over the last 40 years.